Many times people work hard on a project, but still, they do not succeed in life. The reason is such people are not thinking out of the box and, are implementing the same ideas that pre-exist in our society.
One such person, who thought of a unique and creative idea, is Mr. Mahesh Jakhotia. He developed a startup by the name of “Bijak” and launched it in May of 2019.
What is Bijak?
It provides the sellers and buyers with an interface through they can trade various agriculture-related products. Bijak promises the buyers that they would be provided with the best price. Users are also allowed to rate the experience that they had with the sellers. This app connects users from 22 different states and provides coverage to more 550 regions.
The buyers can get details of all their transactions on this application.
The sellers and buyers can trade with more than 80 different agricultural products. This application consists of various local languages.
What is the response of the users regarding this startup?
The response from the users has been excellent. The reason is that all of their requirements are fulfilled from the comfort of their home. Due to this impressive response, Bijak has reached the $150 million mark in revenue within its first year. One of the founders of Bijak, Nukul Upadhyaya has said that the company aims to enter the $500 billion market in India, which comprises of around 5 million middle men.
How has the business community responded to Bijak?
The business sector is quite impressed by the success that Bijak has generated in a limited period.
Galina Chifina, a partner in RTP Global, said that Bijak has been gaining success, due to the technology and, the team of experts in this company.
Madhav Tandan, director at Omidyar Network India said that Bijak is the only agricultural related application in the market. Due to this reason, Bijak has set the bar really for the rest of the competitors.
Has Bijak proven to be successful and has it received any funding?
Bijak came into the scene in 2019 and, from then its business graph is always lying in the profit portion.
It has received funding from various investors.
Recently a piece of news came that Bijak has gotten around $12million from investors. This money is used to improve the condition of their software and, the addition of new features would be done as well.
Before this, Bijak received $2.5 million in December of 2019 from Famous investors like omnivore, surge and better capital.
Nukul upadhye, one of the founders of Bijak, said that this money would help them immensely to make amendments to their startup. He said that due to these enhancements, the users should attain lots of benefits.
Has Bijak collaborated with anybody?
Yes, Bijak has collaborated with many big players in the agriculture field. One such company is the agricultural produce market committees (APMCS). This company indulges in the trading of Agricultural products in a way, through which farmers are benefited. This company balances the farm to market price ratio effectively.
Final thoughts
People should consider the journey of Bijak as motivation. They should not be scared and try new things. As by trying new ideas, they will have a high chance of succeeding in their lives.
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