Who says making money is a difficult task? It is not. People need to remain focused and come up with unique ideas to gains huge profits. In today’s world, we are provided with abundant useful resources.
A young boy by the name of Umer Qureshi used his resources efficiently and is now making 6 figures every month.
Who is Umer Qureshi?
Umer is a 16-year-old boy, who resides in Delhi, India.
Mr. Umer is the owner of guideblogging.com and generates a 6 figure salary through this business.
Apart from his blogging site, Umer also has developed a Facebook community by the name of Guide blogging. Till now, this page has gained 16000 plus members.
As of 2021, Umer is worth around INR 1- 2 core.
What motivated Umer to develop a blog?
Umer stated in an interview that his blogging began in the summer vacations of 2017. His mom had gotten him a new phone and like any other kid, he got addicted to YouTube.
On one fine day, Umer was scrolling through YouTube and found a video by the title “How to make money online. He opened this video and learned how to make money via YouTube.
Umer now developed a YouTube channel, but did not post any videos because he lacked consistency.
Now again he watched that video and got interested in blogging. This is where the journey of guest blogging began.
Initially, Umer faced lots of obstacles in his path, but with patience and determination, he reached the ladder of success.
Umer considers Mr. Kulwant Nagi as his mentor as he had a similar journey.
What does Guest blogging offer?
This is a blog that will help in polishing your blogging skills.
Umer has posted blogs related to blogging, SEO, affiliate marketing and several other intriguing topics.
Umer wants to help other struggling bloggers and provide them with tips and tricks to gain huge sums of money through blogging.
Initially, Umer developed blogs on topics that would gain him huge sums of money.
After gaining lots of fame and fortune, Umer decided to give back to society by developing blogs that will aid them in their blogging journey.
If you are a newbie blogger, then it is a must for you to visit this blog and read about the topic that intrigues you.
This blog would surely provide you with success in the long run.
Is guest blogging a success for Mr. Umer?
It is surely has been a profitable venture for Umer Qureshi till now. On the blogging site, Umer has stated some statistics related to guest blogging.
The stats state that till now the blog has received about 250,000 + users and 350,000 + page views. Apart from this, each user has spent more than 2.5 minutes on a page and the repetition rate for users is almost 50%.
These stats surely prove that Guestblogging.com is going in the correct direction.
What mistakes did Mr. Umer make during his blogging journey?
Mr. Umer faced various problems in his journey to success.
1. You need to be focused
You should not be distracted by money. You need to set a standard for the quality of your content. Do not comprise your quality by developing blogs in bulk. This technique might provide you with benefits instantly, but in the long run, you will be destroyed. This is a mistake that Umer Qureshi made when he purchased his first domain. His attention was disturbed by fortune and he regrets this mistake till now.
2. Invest in yourself
We should not only invest in our business but also put money into learning. This is important because we can learn new techniques by studying the latest courses. People can apply these new techniques in their businesses, which would help them in attaining more profit for themselves.
Umer Qureshi says that he did not learn skills for editing and developing videos. This was the main reason why he didn’t pursue a career in YouTube.
How much time does Umer Qureshi doing on his blog?
Umer Qureshi starts his first session of work at 11:00 am. This session is for 1 hour and during it, Umer checks all his emails and tries to reply to them.
From 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, he starts to do work on his blog.
In the evening, He does book or eBook reading related to a specific topic for one hour.
The last work session is at night from 6:00 to 8:30 pm. In this 2.5 hour session, he reads the feedback of the users and tries to figure out ways to improve his blog.
Final thoughts
People should just remain patience and should not shift away from their goals. They should seek motivation from Umer. He also faced lots of problems, but with determination, he attained success. People should keep working hard and should be optimistic. Soon or later, they will attain the standard of life that they dreamed of.
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